Libra New Moon Sign by Sign

The New Moon in Libra takes place at 8:02 am EST on Monday October 15.

Aries –  Relating with someone closely in a new way, helps get the communication to  good place. Allow this new way of relating to  support you with all the work you have to do, want to do and will do. You can have it all.

Taurus –  A new way of structuring your day might make you re-think work or school. Lots is going on with children and loved ones. Though there may be a sense of urgency, the slowest route may be the best, which luckily is one of your specialties.

Gemini – New ideas are supporting a lightening up at home with re-newed playfulness, romance and love. A meeting at home could provide you with a sudden shift in approaching partnership with more confidence.
Cancer – Enjoy this new and real sense of ease in your family, which is mostly a result of you communicating so politely and so often with so many. Step outside of your world for a second to notice how your world is nurturing you.
Leo – The opus you are developing could bring you the results you want. Use the next two weeks to have the concept up and running. Entrusting someone you value to give you feedback while the the work is still in the beginning phase could save a lot of time later on.
Virgo – The next two weeks offer you the depth in thinking you will want for choosing the best way around creating a strategy in a larger project at your job. Create a new look to wear to at your job and you will shine even more.
Libra – This is a time of personal renewal for you where you may experience a re-born sense of strength in yourself. There is also a lot of information to share with the larger world which has the most optimistic effects in a larger universal context.
Scorpio – This is the beginning of your serious New World Order and with this new moon you can get a sense of what is most important in your private world and your psychic space. It may be as if a light goes on specifically around resources you manage with others and this will brighten your world.
Sagittarius – You may establish new goals and notice a seriousness to staying on track consciously honoring yourself first and foremost, in a good way. Being out in the world to see and be seen on any stage may give you just the feedback you need strengthening your steady path.
Capricorn – A recent shift may help you sort out some nebulous ideas to lead you to regain perhaps lost contact to close relatives and other people important in your world everyday. This clarifying can support a deep resonating  as you ultimately identify yourself as the author of your life.
Aquarius – A sudden idea may energize you as a broader more cosmic plan adds strength and self confidence. A short deep talk may provide the information you need with a brother or sister or someone similar to shift awareness gaining not only confidence but also a deeper sense of security.
Pisces – The hazy boundryless spiritual world takes on a rare contained clarity which when implemented originally can contribute to your income. There is energy to access way beyond your comfort zone which can bring you luck, safety and roots, so go bigger than you have.

New Moon in Libra: Like Origami > Dollar Bill > Heart > Star

Today as Sun, Moon, Mercury and Saturn are clustered together in the sign Libra, there was also a New Moon mid afternoon New York time. This is the kind of astrology which can be associated with intention-based events very much dependent upon our relating to one another. New Moons are also about new beginnings and when there is a New Moon in the sign Libra, this means that relating one-on-one may highlight any issues that have to do with Venus: Harmony, Beauty and Fairness. And with this New Moon, while there is a cluster of planets in Libra, the ruler of Libra, Venus, is about to go retrograde tomorrow. This to me creates a sense of origami, where we by choice fold our lives within our own concept of how our lives can go and can create new structures which at the very least offer new perspectives on a current themes. Over the next days we may reflect on our lives and see some transformations just as what happens when a dollar Bill is folded into a heart whose structure is dominated by a star.

An Apple A Day Leading Up To Thursday’s New Moon In Libra

This week the Moon is moving toward the Sun to form a New Moon, Thursday afternoon New York time.  This is the kind of astrology where beforehand a new event may seem to be about to rise over above horizon. The days before a New Moon, because of an unknown kind of quality, may give us some jittery kinds of feelings, as we humans tend to prefer knowing what’s going on.

As of now, the Moon is in Virgo, which is why I have a nice big picture of an apple as an illustration. Virgo is a sign so interested in health and an apple a day can help keep the doctor away. As we await the New Moon in Libra on Thursday, until then, getting organized and eating healthily will help support us for new projects up ahead.